nicholas gurewitch é o criador da perry bible fellowship, uma colecção premiada de tiras de bd (humorística, no sentido mais lato da palavra, abarcando piadas mortais) publicadas na net, em jornais e agora em livro, nasceu há estupidamente pouco tempo (em 1982) e é, aparentemente, um génio, o que poderá ser confirmado neste sítio.
das faq:
Why the name "The Perry Bible Fellowship"?
Probably the same reason Madonna goes by the name "Madonna": It's cool because you know she's not a Madonna. The comic is definitely not a Perry Bible Fellowship.
In all cases, I believe it's necessary for comedic pieces to bend our conception of life into loops and kinks; that laughter is a cough-like defense that occurs when a reader's cognitive facilities experience a sudden overflow of information -often in the form of a paradox, silly face, or boobie.
dos blurbs sobre o livro:
I've been reading this guy since his first strip in The Guardian and he's the best new cartoonist since Bill Watterson. This is the reason paper was invented. Give him your money now.
—Mark Millar (The Ultimate X-Men)
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