sobre livros

jovens e leitura
>"By reading a book you are building up the stamina to absorb words for a longer period of time. What you are doing is gradually locking brains with the author, which you do not really do in quite the same way when you read chunks of a magazine or chunks of text on a screen.
This personal interaction going on in your head is the thing that's special about reading a book and the pleasure of that is what, in the end, turns someone into a reader."

(...) "Homework was the most unpopular subject matter, followed by Shakespeare, encyclopaedias and dictionaries. Teenagers also said they were tired of reading about the size of thin celebrities, did not favour The Beano, the classic comic, and were unimpressed with Facebook, the social networking site.

portugal e tendências
>"E se a literatura é o género que mais vende, com 29 por cento do total do mercado, logo seguida pelos livros infanto-juvenis (20 por cento) e pelo turismo e lazer (12 por cento) essa liderança não se reflecte no volume de facturação nem no peço de capa. Aí, os livros de arte, direito ou economia, informática, política ou história batem a ficção."
"Em termos geográficos, Lisboa concentra metade do valor das vendas de livros em Portugal. Muito atrás, com 19 por cento cada, seguem-se as regiões do Porto e o Litoral."
"E quem compra livros prefere fazê-lo em livrarias, normalmente não para oferecer, mas para consumo próprio. Assim, 53 por cento dos compradores fazem-no em lojas da especialidade e em 91 por cento dos casos não é para oferecer. E nem o preço praticado parece contrariar a preferência pelas livrarias, onde um título é em média sete euros mais caro do que num hipermercado."

entrevista com jeff bezos
>"Portfolio: When you founded Amazon, how did you decide to sell books?

Bezos: I went to a catalogers association and started looking at product categories that do well by mail order: No. 1 was apparel, and gourmet food was very high. Way down on the list, like No. 20, was books. But there are more items in the book category than any other. We thought we could build a store with a complete selection. Big book superstores have about 150,000 titles. When Amazon launched in 1995, it had a million."

o futuro?
>"Digital editions will at some point begin to be perceived as better/more useful than print books. At that point, publishers, authors and designers will invest a great deal of effort in making them even better, in providing functions that print books cannot."
"A lot of this is generational. I also like printed books and I am sure that I will still be reading them in 10 years time, but I suspect that by then most of my purchasing will be of digital books and my children will think it a bit odd that I still like reading from print editions."

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