
“In the time of sinful, soiled, and corrupt custom—in the future—  The demons and spirits of the Planets will infest the world.  At that time, the Demon King Pehar will be very powerful and dominant [his teachings will spread afar].  Thus he said. Because of the powerful influence of the Demon King Pehar, the cases of insanity and nervous disturbance  will be many, the cases of violent death will also be great in number.
At that time half of the populations [of all nations] will become insane; most of the people will cut short their own lives by themselves (suicide); and at that time China will become a dark land.
Powerful men and wealth will follow the steps of the evil spirits and their three cousins
; all Tibet will be broken into small pieces.
At that time, here in the Snow Country, the life and breath of the lamas, the officials, the teachers, the kings, the high officers, and those who follow the Buddhist teachings will be taken away (and persecuted). All the good teachers and virtuous persons will be cut in the middle by the evil demons. People will suffer excessively.”


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